Thursday, April 12, 2012

The useful SWOT analysis

This question came up when my younger brother, now in a marketing class, was asked to construct a SWOT analysis on himself, as a person.  He knew I had recently used this tool in my studies and asked for help..... Embarrassingly, I couldn't offer much.  In my eyes, my brother's assignment was flawed.  A SWOT analysis needs a direction to work but his arbitrary SWOT yourself assignment had none.  In class we used SWOT for business and venture decisions so the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats all revolved around that framework. Without the necessary direction, my brother's SWOT of himself became a giant list of words, it was not a tool, it was busy work. 

I'm not sure if my brother's professor meant the assignment as busy work or a self reflection assignment but to me, it really tested my understanding of a SWOT and made me realize it can be applied to virtually anything but the greater the lack of direction, the least this tool is helpful.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent insight. I never thought about trying a personal SWOT. Maybe the "direction" should be in terms of career.
